Frequently Asked Questions

What is an Albora machine?


An Albora (autonomous cheese-making machine) is a piece of dairy processing equipment designed to automate the cheese-making process. It enables cheese to be produced autonomously, without direct human intervention, by controlling and regulating manufacturing parameters such as temperature, pH and processing time.


How does an Albora stand-alone cheese-making machine work?


A stand-alone cheese-making machine uses an automated process to carry out the various stages of cheese-making, such as coagulation, pressing and salting. It uses sensors to monitor production parameters, which are then automatically adjusted to ensure the quality and consistency of the finished product.


What types of cheese can be made with Albora?


Various types of cheese can be produced with an Albora, but for the moment we have only developed recipes for pressed cheeses. We will be expanding our range at a later date to include soft cheeses, blue-veined cheeses, fromage frais, etc.


What are the advantages of a stand-alone cheese-making machine?


The advantages of a stand-alone cheese-making machine are numerous, including reduced labour time, consistent product quality, fewer production variations, precise manufacturing parameters and ease of use.


Does the stand-alone machine require any special training to use?


No special training is required to use our Albora machine. Our technician will accompany you for the first 2 days to get you started.


How long does it take to make cheese with an Albora?


The time needed to make cheese with a stand-alone machine depends on the type of cheese and the production parameters chosen. In general, it can take up to 5 hours.



How do I choose the right stand-alone cheese-making machine for my needs?


Choosing a stand-alone cheese-making machine depends on a number of factors, including the type of cheese you want to make and the quantity of cheese you want to produce.


Where can I buy a stand-alone cheese-making machine?


At Albora, of course!


Is it possible to customise the cheese-making process with a stand-alone machine?


Our in-house cheesemaker will be happy to listen to you if you want to make your own cheese recipe in your own image.


What is a pressed cheese?


A pressed cheese is a type of cheese where the curd mass is pressed to remove excess whey and give the cheese its characteristic shape. The pressing process gives the cheese a firm, dense texture.


How can autonomous machinery help to produce pressed cheeses?


Autonomous machinery can help to produce pressed cheeses by automating the moulding and curd pressing processes. This can reduce production time, increase the consistency of the final product and improve the overall quality of the cheese.


What are the differences between pressed cheeses and other types of cheese?


Pressed cheeses are distinguished from other types of cheese by their firm, dense texture, which is the result of the pressing process. Pressed cheeses are also often matured for a longer period, giving them a more complex and pronounced flavour.


What are the key stages in the production of pressed cheese?


The key stages in the production of pressed cheeses include coagulating the milk, cutting the curds, heating and draining the curds, moulding and pressing, salting and ripening.